Tuesday 2 June 2020

3 Reasons Why I Would Not Invest in Gold

While many people would tell me to buy gold to invest, I felt that there is no reason why I should have gold as part of my investment portfolio. Thus, after many arguments (with myself in my mind), I have decided to write a post on why I would not buy gold as an investment.

I know that many gold lovers would hate me for this but still, you can read what I got to say and decide later to hate me or not.

1. Gold is not an investment

For me, an investment is something that would provide a certain return of investment for as long as I am holding that investment. For example, if I am holding some shares of Public Bank Berhad (PBBANK), I would be receiving a certain amount of dividends every year. I don't see how that happens when I am holding Gold. The only way I can realize the return of investment is when I sell it.

2. Gold is gambling

That brings me to my second point. When you buy gold, what do you hope for? Obviously, you are hoping for the price of gold to go up and when you sell it, you would get your profit as your return. What if the price goes down? That will be a loss. And when you look at the price, there are only two possibilities, UP or DOWN. Hmm, that sounds familiar. Something like a game of chance (Sic Bo). SO, for me, buying gold as "investment" is actually a form of gambling.

3. What is the worth of gold?

What is the worth of gold? It is only worth what people are willing to pay for it. Still, it has little real value as in 'the things you can actually do with it'.

If you can do this, it will be great but no, you are not Scrooge McDuck.

As Warren Buffett once famously said about gold:

"Gold gets dug out of the ground in Africa, or someplace. Then we melt it down, dig another hole, bury it again and pay people to stand around guarding it. It has no utility. Anyone watching from Mars would be scratching their head."

You can argue that gold is used in your smartphone and some other electrical items, but the quantity used is not really significant. The primary use of gold is actually for jewelry. Jewelry use up 78% of all gold production. And what do you do with jewelry? You either wear it and let others see it or you keep it in a box in your house or bank. Truth be told, even my wedding ring is not made of gold.

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